So its finally over. Pitch pitched. MEGA 2012 complete. It feels reminiscent of school/uni when exams are over and the holidays are finally here.

For a little background, MEGA is a digital entrepreneurship masterclass where the challenge is to perform the best pitch and business proposal for a digital based idea. Over 20 weeks the competitors are taught and tutored in the art of pitching and startups, culminating in pitch day.

How did it go? Well, good I suppose. Only got positive feedback, but didn’t really expect any negative comments! No awards were won, but as NextFaze was a sponsor, it wouldn’t have been kosher. Zen said we would have won the award for funniest pitch – if it existed.

Feedback from the pitch panel (aka the dragons) was directed at lacking financials, and not showing a concrete product – we showed a screenshot of a Facebook page and a iPhone running Frappe, but not of the step in-between (the admin console). Overall, it was all constructive.

Big ups to Little Birdy for winning best pitch – well deserved, and also to City Sous Chef, for taking out the peer award – let the good times roll!

Thanks to Peta Pash for her always positive attitude throughout the course, and to David and Leila for their training and encouragement. Thanks also to Derek for getting us involved in this whole mess in the first place, and of course Andreas, for his unique style and polished sarcasm!
